Local Scapes
The Localscape approach is a series of landscaping patterns and practices that takes into account Utah’s unique climate. It’s good landscape design, simplified. Now you can have a landscape that works for where you live.
In addition to the concerns of homeowners for their individual properties are the concerns we all share as residents of Utah. Our population will double by 2060—the water supply won’t. We’ll all have to learn to do more with less. Localscapes is a moderate approach to waterwise landscaping that allows us to keep the lawn we love but help us landscape appropriately in Utah so we can avoid a water crisis.
But Localscapes is not just about water efficiency, it’s about simplifying landscaping in Utah. No matter where you live, Localscapes will give you the best landscape for your area. Localscapes does design, installation, irrigation, and implementation right for Utah. Plus a localscaped yard uses 2/3 less water than a traditional Utah landscape!